Wednesday 15 June 2016

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Location - Diggin Ditch

Diggin Ditch

Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki


Location Name: Diggin Ditch

Category: Location

Dominating Enemy Types: Earth

In-Game Description: A large ditch full of nothing but dirt and rock. Some say it was left after a huge avalanche or explosion. Only the hardiest beasts live here.
Authors In-Depth Description: The other areas you have been to until now have been relatively nice looking although getting progressively tougher but this is when things start to get really harsh and a bit trickier. not a difficulty spike but a sign of things being harder ahead and good preparation for tougher elements and less pretty and explorable environments. Things are only gonna get trickier from here. The area is a big thick path of brown dirt with rocks and boulders all around. Despite this, there are plants growing and creatures to battle but they are much hardier in defence and u may need to think of new strategies to beat them. This part forces you to not use levelling as your advantage in every battle but to use some more elemental effects and items instead to gain the upper hand. Hopefully a welcome change and not a frustrating one. The area is pretty straight forward design wise as it is a large straight line with not much twists and turns and pretty small compared to other areas. Since revising the fishing system, I will need a Sea source in this location. The other fishing sources are easy and already planned to be there but the Sea source is a tricky one. However, I have a great idea! Heavenly Respite should be above the Diggin Ditch and there is water up there so it would make sense to have the water from that coming down into the ditch. This way I won't have to majorly change the design to have access to the Sea source! The water in Heavenly Respite is only river and pond water though but I would presume the falling down from heaven would have an effect on the water don't you? ;3
Fish to Catch:

Hammerhead Shark

Rough Shark

Bamboo Shark

Lemon Fish

Boulder Lobster

Fishing Sources:
In the Rivers in this location you can find
Lemon Fish
In the Sea of this location you can find
Hammerhead Shark
Rough Shark
Bamboo Shark
In the Ponds of this location you can find
Boulder Lobster

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