Monday 29 August 2016

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Fighting - Prized Pekin

Prized Pekin
Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki
(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: Prized Pekin
Category: Bird
Element Type: Fighting
Strong Against: normal, earth and fighting
Weak Against: water and poison
Found at: Beginner Grasslands - area 3
Basic concept description: A stocky red chicken
In game description: This Pekin is on the top of the pecking order. It's rich lifestyle with plenty of room to roam and food to eat means it produces the best Pekin eggs.
Nature / personality: The Prized Pekin (unlike its counterpart the Pekin) is very aggressive and like to chase newbie adventurers around for fun. They use their legs to give strong kicks up the backsides of those who dare go too close. They are still very weak compared other creatures and not very smart so they still be defeated if you are prepared and a bit stronger. They are so angry that wont stop attacking until you either leave the are or they die. This is some crazy angry bird if you ask me. Despite their aggressive nature they don't really pose a threat to anything other than a child. They try wandering into towns to attack us for revenge but get put down pretty easily.
Likes and Dislikes: Prized Pekin are difficult to please but they do like a good cooked fish, any kind will do. They don't like people invading their territory or getting shown up by stronger creatures or adventurers.
Background / History: Prized Pekin were developed by breeders to be the perfect Pekin. However, they escaped their confines and started living in the wild, surviving much better than their Pekin counterparts due to their better strength. They have been captured since and some use them in farms to produce good quality products but they remain very wild and need more experience farmers to care for them and make sure they don't escape again.
Connected Monsters: Stronger varient of Pekin
Detailed Location Description: Prized Pekin come from the further reaches of the Beginner Grasslands (which your adventure starts in from my work in progress game MEGA Craft) closer to the drier taller land of Sunny Hills. The Grasslands are green with lush grass and small flowers with only a few small hills although they grow higher in this area further down. The small river that flows in the middle of the land earlier moves to one side in this area towards the InterTwine Forest nearby. Here are some small areas of trees which the Prized Pekin like to nestle in for shade and during the night. They like because it is dark but not to feel safe like the Pekin but instead so they can pounce of unsuspecting creatures. However, they fail to take into account the fact they may end up tangling with something bigger than them.
Detailed Body Description: The Prized Pekin is the same as a Pekin in most ways with its chicken feathers and strong orange legs but its feathers are now a dark shade of red with black highlights. They have also developed angry eyebrows so you know they are mad and they are always mad.
Item Drops: Brown Egg (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

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