Monday 29 August 2016

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Poison - TinkaTinka

Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki

(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: TinkaTinka
Category: Bird
Element Type: Poison
Strong Against: grass, fighting and poison
Weak Against: earth, holy
Found at: InterTwine Forest - area 1
Basic concept description: A medium sized pink paradise bird with lots of large feathers and soft curly plumage
In game description: The TinkaTinka is a beautiful bird who is famous for its glorious pink plumage. It's feathers are often used by girl dancers in raunchy dances. Fwooor!
Nature / personality: The TinkaTinka is a very beautiful bird and it knows it. It spends a lot of time grooming itself to look perfect every day. It is also important to look good for the sake of mating. However, these birds live mostly solitary lives until they meet their mate in which they will stay together until one or both die. This earns them the Nickname the bird of love. They walk with a sort of cuddled swing giving them an air of elegance with every step they take.
Likes and Dislikes: They like eating delicate flowers, especially pink ones. They don't like being separated from their loved one or getting their feathers ruffled.
Background / History: It is believed the TinkaTinka may have not been native to the InterTwine Forest but was in fact an exotic pet before escaping and breeding in the wild. Despite this, they have become a main staple in the forests well being and now the forest owes its lively hood to this creature. It is believed the TinkaTinka helps the forest flowers bloom. However, their over-hunting is starting to damage the environment.
Connected Monsters: Has a ice magic variant TinkaTwinkle
(link when available)
Detailed Location Description: They live in the InterTwine Forest which is quite a ways away from the Beginner Grasslands and posses more of a challenge for adventurers. It is a thick forest of blue trees and plants. The trees branches twist into each other in a way that connects the canopy into one piece like a giant blue carpet over the forest floor, earning the forests name. The sun shines between the gaps creating beautiful speckled light amongst the shade. The TinkaTinka likes to float and glide around the trees in hiding but occasionally comes out to seek a mate or eat rare flowers.
Detailed Body Description: The TinkaTinka has an extravagant array of rose pink feathers coming through a soft fluffy pink plumage on its bottom. This fluffy pink plumage strings out in curly patterns around its large pink feather wings and tail between almost every individual feather. The fluffy plumage at the edge of the wings towards the birds back curl in what appears to be a heart shape. Another reason why it may be called the bird of love. It's beak and legs are small and dainty and it doesn't struggle to walk as its body is light.
Item Drops: Rosey Feathers (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

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