Monday 29 August 2016

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Ice - TinkaTwinkle

Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki
(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: TinkaTwinkle
Category: Bird
Element Type: Ice
Strong Against: water, wind and ice
Weak Against: fire and earth
Found at: SugarLick Mountains - area 1
Basic concept description: A medium sized blue paradise bird with lots of large shiny feathers with white highlights and soft curly white plumage.
In game description: The stunning blue and cold version of the rosey TinkaTinka. They consider themselves unique and superior to any other non-magic kind, in looks especially.
Nature / personality: The TinkaTwinkle sees itself as above the TinkaTinka and the most beautiful creature in the world. However, they are very territorial and will attack other TinkaTwinkle if they come their way. Every TinkaTwinkle believes it is the best and won't except anyone showing them up in any way. Their ice magic can be very strong and they like freezing their victims into a block of ice so they can have them as ornaments.
Likes and Dislikes: TinkaTwinkle love to eat ice flowers and ice fish and be told they are the best but they don't like being told they are ugly.
Background / History: TinkaTwinkle are a branch of TinkaTinka that went to the Sugarlick Mountains instead of InterTwine Forest. They may have gone there for the sake of more delicious and rare flowers or for finding a mate. Either way, these creatures have lived here for a long time and everyone knows to stay away if they can.
Connected Monsters: An ice magic variant of TinkaTinka
Detailed Location Description: The TinkaTwinkle live in the Sugarlick Mountains, a very cold place where sugar grows in the caves instead of salt. Although there are multiple mountains, the one best known is the one in the middle of the area which is much larger than the others. This mountain is full of many twisting caves and is home to many creatures who like to live in the cold. There is a winding path up the mountain and if you get to the centre you will find a warm grove where rare creatures live. The TinkaTwinkle is just one of the creatures which likes to call this mountain home.
Detailed Body Description: The TinkaTwinkle's body is very similar to the TinkaTinka with an extravagant array of sky blue feathers coming through a soft fluffy blue plumage on its bottom. This fluffy blue plumage strings out in curly patterns around its large blue feather wings and tail between almost every individual feather. It's beak and legs are small and dainty but it doesn't struggle to walk as its body is light, even lighter than that of the TinkaTinka. This light body allows it to float on the icy currents around the mountain.
Item Drops: Magic Meat and icy feathers (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

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